Jules Scroggins
The Golf Club at Champions Circle
Hometown: Paradise, Texas
How long have you been a cart girl? 8 years
In 10 years you would like to be: Rehabilitating animals and making memories with my family
The most interesting fact about you: 8 years ago I told a guy that I don’t give out my number at work, so he kept coming back until I did. We are now married and have the most beautiful baby boy in the world!
Favorite foods: Steak, shrimp, and pizza of course!
If you had more time you would: Learn to play my violin and volunteer at children’s shelters.
The next risk you want to take is: Cage dive with great white sharks!
Favorite music: Waylon, Willie and Merle
Turn-ons: Chivalry, it does still exist.
Turn-offs: Impatience and entitlement
Fantasy person to date: Chris Hemsworth
What man’s age is too old to date? 34
Best way to impress you: Be a gentleman
Interests: Betting guys I can outdrive them after I’ve served them a few drinks. 99 percent of the time I usually win!
Biggest tip: $340
College: TCC
Worst pick-up line: “Hey, come on. I promise I turn 18 in a month!”